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Interior Designer Skill-Set: Project Presentation

Preparation is a key prerequisite for successful presentation

Well composed materials board to support your speech

Interacting with clients makes your presentation more effective

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Visually supported by boards, the presentation is a unique opportunity to show your level of commitment and professionalism.
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A successfull Interior Designer skill-set includes mastering project presentation. Speaking in front of people can be nerve-wrecking so it is essential to practice. Last Friday, Insight School students jumped in the deep end by presenting their first real project to a client!

Project presentation is a communication exercise. Visually supported by boards, the presentation is a unique opportunity to show your level of commitment and professionalism.

A good presentation is like a good story: it has a beginning, a body and an end. It should be concise yet detailed, focused and enticing. Your confidence should shine through as undecided clients will often seek your assistance in their decision making process. Add clean, well-crafted presentation material and your design will be well communicated and easily sold to your client!


Diploma students receive practical real life experience through 6 different projects during the school year.Clients, teachers and classmates are invited to give their feedback thereby providing an 360 degrees appraisal.


Getting the right training and experience gives you a competitive advantage on the job market!